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Lockdowns, Masks & Vaccine Passport Protests

"A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ" John Steinbeck in his novel Travels with Charley. In search of America (1962)

Lockdowns a necessary evil?

The lockdown strategy used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) has disrupted the global economy. In the UK there were reports in August of 2020 of over 730,000 job losses due to lockdown measures. The rate of unemployment appears to have stabilized since then as businesses have adjusted to new ways of trading. But concerns about the global economy and lockdowns remains a concern for many. The World Health Organization has asserted that full-scale lockdowns should be a “last resort” in fighting the novel coronavirus, even as several countries in Europe are seeking to introduce more public-health measures to limit the spread of the contagion. October 2020 Dr. Kluge , the WHO’s regional director for Europe, said lockdowns should be a very last resort. At the start of the apparent Covid-19 pandemic Dr. Ari Joffe a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton and a Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at University of Alberta was a stalwart supporter of lockdowns. However, as the crisis developed his opinion of lockdowns changed as he observed the data relating to Covid-19 morbidity and mortality. "First, initial data falsely suggested that the infection fatality rate was up to 2-3%, that over 80% of the population would be infected, and modelling suggested repeated lockdowns would be necessary. But emerging data showed that the median infection fatality rate is 0.23%, that the median infection fatality rate in people under 70 years old is 0.05%, and that the high-risk group is older people especially those with severe co-morbidities. In addition, it is likely that in most situations only 20-40% of the population would be infected before ongoing transmission is limited (i.e., herd-immunity)." In his peer reviewed article he goes on to say, "The initial modeling predictions induced fear and crowd-effects." These assertions are supported by Michaéla C. Schippers who goes further than questioning the efficacy of lockdowns by speculating that misleading scientific data may have been used in respect to the side effects of the lockdowns. Neil Ferguson, the physicist at Imperial College London created the main epidemiology model behind the lockdowns. He and his team were less than truthful about the Swedish mortality predictions and results. This agnotology she argues is "more than just ignorance or the absence of knowledge. It is often the outcome of cultural and political struggles."

An example of this disinformation may well be this BBC article, "Covid-19 disruptions killed 228,000 children in South Asia, says UN report". Note the emphasis on blaming Covid-19 for the disruptions rather than suggesting that lockdowns etc might be to blame. Confinement has probably hit the elderly the hardest particularly those in nursing and rest homes. the diminished state of resilience in elderly people may have worsened. Mask Mandates The mask mandate was first introduced in the UK on the 24/07/2020 by the UK government. At the time we were told that masks would be a temporary

measure. The notion of the masks being temporary was reinforced by casual comments on social media. The alarming aspect to the mask mandate was the unquestionable acceptance of the policy when the research did not support it. UK officials and the American CDC flip flopped. A Reuters article even attempts to excuse the flip flop, suggesting that the early comments that masks were not required was to ensure that PPE supplies to health care workers were not disrupted. Is the real reason for the flip flops a conflict of political and economic ideologies using misinformation to create confusion and ignorance to hide the truth from the public while creating division.

For sure the research of the last 30 years questioning the efficacy of surgical masks has been swept aside by suppressing or dismissing it. At the same time there was a sudden influx of new research advocating the use of masks. People on twitter would post links to research suggesting masks work. Often they would highlight research conducted in laboratory settings, literature reviews, surveys and observational studies. What they failed to understand is that no one had actually conducted a large randomised control trial in a community setting. If you advocate or support mandatory mask wearing you need to understand human behaviour. People do not tend to adhere to the requirements of wearing masks correctly. They will reuse them far too often or adjust them inappropriately. Safe disposal of masks has also become a concern. Clearly the WEF have become aware of these concerns and addressed some in this video. So the mask tells you when to wash it, how to breathe and how to wear it. Clearly masks are no longer intended to be temporary. Perhaps you are still happy to follow the guidance and recommendations of an unelected forum? In some countries the wearing of masks has been normalised for many years. One such country is Japan, yet in 2019 it experienced its worst ever influenza outbreak. Of course no one mentions this when recommending masks, or the research that indicates that masks may well be harmful. Vaccine Passports The introduction of vaccine passports are being considered and the need for them hotly debated. It would appear that many people favour them for activities that are optional but less inclined if imposed for activities integral to everyday life. A passport system would essentially penalise people with health, religious, and philosophical objections to getting vaccinated. It would also penalise people who just don't want to get vaccinated. Many see the introduction of passports as a backdoor strategy to enforce vaccinations.

Lockdown Protests London 24/04/2021 saw what was probably the largest UK protest against lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine passports.

The protest certainly divided the social media community. Many seeing the protest as a positive stance against infringements of personal rights and expression. Others considered it an affront to health care workers and a potential threat to the health of others.

Smears and insults were thrown in great abundance at the protestors on social media. Comments such as "Fascists, Q-Anon, Anti-Vaxxers and Covididiots were thrown like confetti on Twitter.

At least two people in attendance were reportedly seen with yellow stars pinned to their shirts, which read “No Covid Certificates,”

Personally I thought their choosing to wear such holocaust symbolism was crass but it does create a talking point. As the ever increasing feverish social media posts continue to highlight the protest both sides are becoming intransigent in their views and divisions are taking place between people who once supported each other. Meanwhile the rich become wealthier while most of society becomes poorer but many continue to demand stricter guidelines. Were the two protestors wearing the symbols raising an important point or were they being disrespectful? In regards to the suppression of speech and research papers can we compare the pre-war actions of Nazi Germany with current guidelines and responses in the UK. Some may find it crass but I hope the following will demonstrate how what appears to be innocent, and guides how we behave can be insidious and harmful. Anti-Jewish legislation in pre-war Nazi Germany comprised of several laws that segregated the Jews from German society and restricted Jewish people's political, legal and civil rights. Major legislative initiatives included a series of restrictive laws passed in 1933. In April 1933, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, or 'Civil Service Law', as it was more commonly known when passed, established the ability of the Nazi-led government to legally remove undesirables from the civil service profession, including doctors, teachers and lawyers. Through the control of education and media, the Nazis were able to spread their anti-Jewish message and beliefs to the people of Germany. In the UK in and Eire in 2020 Doctors and academics were suspended or asked to resign their positions for questioning the government position on Covid. Nurses have also been suspended while the BBC actively smears academics with opposing views. Some may argue that the BBC is a public service provider and as such has an obligation to smear and disparage views that go against the government narrative. Talk Radio was recently removed from YouTube for not towing the desired narrative. Since the ban was lifted it has been less vocal in its opposition. In September 1935, the Nazi leaders announced new laws which institutionalized many of the racial theories prevalent in Nazi ideology. These "Nuremberg Laws" excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with persons of "German or German-related blood." Ancillary ordinances to these laws deprived them of most political rights. Jews were disenfranchised (that is, they had no formal expectation to the right to vote) and could not hold public office. After the Nuremberg Laws there were further developments in the persecution of Jews. In March 1938, laws required all Jews to register their possessions with the Nazis. This was followed by the issuing of identity cards to all Jews in July By September 1941, Reinhard Heydrich decreed that all Jews in the Reich six years of age or older were to wear a badge which consisted of a yellow Star of David. Today in 2021 anyone who considers themselves to have a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask is expected to wear a lanyard when they enter a shop or travel on public transport. This is to identify them as being disabled, it does not protect others from a viral transmission but it does make the wearer vulnerable to abuse. While recognising that abuse of the disabled for not wearing masks is unacceptable The Canary believes hate crimes against the disabled have been increasing over the last decade. The incident The Canary refers to is not an isolated case. In this BBC report the interviewee expresses her fear about being confronted for not wearing a mask. The references to the Holocaust which was a targeted genocide has upset many people but I wondered how many have to die for those deaths to be recognised as a genocide? The reason for the question arose as a result of the BBC report that I mentioned earlier which highlighted that 228,000 children in South Asia had died from Covid-19 measures. If, measures introduced were done so on the basis of poor scientific evidence, no evidence or the suppression of evidence then could we not consider the deaths of those children a genocide? Mandatory masks, vaccine passports, lockdowns, forced closures & government enforced social distancing disenfranchise the poor & disabled. If, people vilify someone for comparing evil to evil, they might want to ask themselves how sincere their opposition to evil really is. The protestors may well be anti-lockdown, anti-mask, anti-passport and even anti-vax but that does not make them fascists. Indeed if people read many of the research papers and articles, they may come to realise that the reasoning behind many of the covid policies are not clear cut. References "UK unemployment reaches four-year high in Covid-19 lockdown" "Consequences for the Elderly After COVID-19 Isolation: FEaR (Frail Elderly amid Restrictions)" . "Covid-19: important potential side effects of wearing face masks that we should bear in mind." "Personal protective equipment against COVID-19: Vital for surgeons, harmful for patients?" "How strong was the scientific advice behind lockdown?"

"Government Mandated Lockdowns Do Not Reduce Covid-19 Deaths: Implications for Evaluating the Stringent New Zealand Response."

“Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil's sword?” – A physiological hypothesis. "Meta-analysis on facemask use in community settings to prevent respiratory infection transmission shows no effect." "Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers."

"Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers."

"Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery." "Sweden’s disease expert says just wearing face masks could be ‘very dangerous." 9. "Your Mask May Be Causing Candida Growth in Your Mouth." Headaches Associated With Personal Protective Equipment – A Cross-Sectional Study Among Frontline Healthcare Workers During COVID19 "Disabled people being abused for not wearing masks is peak 2020" "For the Greater Good? The Devastating Ripple Effects of the Covid-19 Crisis" Leading Virologist Says Coronavirus Pandemic is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”

AGNOTOLOG Y The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance

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